Endless / Infinite Pagination In Dropdown

Recently I have been re-implementing the Notification Menu at OneHealth in Backbone + Marionette and wanted to incorporate endless pagination, real-time dynamic updates, and just an overall clean / simple user experience.

When building the endless pagination I had noticed when you scroll to the end of the list the body starts to scroll. Well, That’s annoying. Okay, so lets throw in a e.preventDefault() on the list scroll binding. Hmm, that doesn’t prevent the current list from scrolling. Now What?

Lets start with some simple View Setup

//Module Variables Used

this.eol (Was The End Of List Hit)

this.lastFire (Height of Last Pagination Fire)

this.collection (Backbone Collection)


 ui : {
  container : '.js-notification-list-container',
  list : '.js-notification-list',
  loadingBar : '.js-loading-bar',
  endOfList : '.js-endOfList'

  * Method For Paginating through Collection
 loadNext : function(){
  var self = this;
    .done(function() {
    .fail(function() {
      self.endOfList = true;

 onRender : function() {


Here’s what I did to achieve the desired result
When attaching a scroll listener to the view;

I attached a listener for mousewheel DOMMouseScroll events on the DOM.
Then I prevent the document from scrolling when scrolling within the current list. A throttle is added so the scroll feels smoother. Then if the list is scrolled to the (bottom height- buffer) and the current list height has not attempted to paginate then the collection paginate method is fired and the lastFire is updated to the current List Height.


 * View Event Handler Called On View Render
 attachScrollWatcher : function() {
  var self = this;
  var lastFire = 0;
  //buffer so list fires before end
  var buffer = 100;

  this.ui.container.on('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function (e) {
    var y = $(this).scrollTop(),
     h = $(this).get(0).scrollHeight,
     ah = $(this).height();

    // Scroll Prevention
    var oe = e.originalEvent,
      delta = oe.wheelDelta || -oe.detail,
      scrollTo = false,
      throttle = 0.2;

    if (e.type === 'mousewheel') {
       scrollTo = delta * -1 * throttle;
    } else if (e.type === 'DOMMouseScroll') {
       scrollTo = delta;

    if (scrollTo) {
      $(this).scrollTop(scrollTo + $(this).scrollTop());

   if ((y + ah) >= (h-buffer) && self.lastFire !== h && !self.eol) {
     //Store last fired Height so we won't try again
     lastFire = h;

     if (self.collection.length >= 10) {
     } else {
       console.log("Too Few Items For Pagination");

Now read this

tail -f | grep -v “foo” | grep -v “bar” | grep -v “baz”

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